After reading this article you will know the common myths about dieting and thus, bust them.
“You are what you eat, 80% of the time”- Martin Berkhan. You have always been told that taking too many calories and not burning them builds up fat in your body, thus giving you the wrong aspect of dieting.
Well, the truth is that people break down fats in their bodies at different rates. The foods you eat go through different metabolic stages, causing diverse repercussions on hunger and the hormones that regulate body weight.
What is a Myth? A myth is a misconception, misbelief, a fallacy.
Myths about dieting are widely held but false beliefs or ideas widely popularized without factual backups. Concerning weight loss, some thoughts are myths, as others are somehow true.
But of course, some myths will lead to obesity that leads to non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension if you don’t take them seriously.
Obesity is caused by bad eating habits such as drinking without thinking, eating amnesia, portion distortion, after-dinner treats and skipping breakfast. Have you ever known that your weight influences how you think and feel about yourself? Whether big or small, you might feel a sudden urge to add or lose weight.
If you feel comfortable about your size, you are on the pathway to a happy life. Irrespective of how others view you. It’s all about, what you eat, how you eat it, and when you eat it.
To get you started on the right track, we’ve put together six common myths about dieting to help you navigate through your weight-loss journey.
Let’s bust some of these myths about dieting:
An Extreme Workout Is The Only Way To Lose Weight.
This cannot be true. Working out is ideal for losing weight, especially when we eat fewer calories. Moreover, adults should give at least 150 minutes per week for a moderate workout or 75 minutes of intense activity. This could include cycling, walking, playing sports, swimming, and running. It is important to note that extreme workouts aren’t suitable for everyone. More so if you have health complications. Your doctor should advise on the best activities and their intensity that is safe for you. When you are getting set for an extreme workout, ensure that you tuck into something light and nutritious before rolling out for the activity. Have some easily digestible carbs before an intense session, such as snacks, a bowl of oats, or a banana. You can also try out some beetroot ginger-lime smoothies or organic honey.
The most suitable way to cut your weight is to moderate the calories you eat and drink.
Slimming Pills and Teas Are Safe and Effective for Weight Loss.
This is not true. You cannot solely depend on slimming pills and herbal tea for weight loss—some weight loss supplements with ingredients that can be harmful to your health. More so when your doctor does not prescribe them. These products are easily found online, and you cannot quantify some of their success stories. However, some are recommended and made available in certified health stores, but they are not suitable for everyone. The best person to advise you on the best one to choose is a nutritionist or your doctor.
The most effective way to lose excess weight is to reduce the calories you eat and drink and be more physically active.
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Missing Meals Will Keep The Weight Off.
This is an absolute myth. The thought of missing meals will make you lose vital nutrients; hence, you will feel tired. Skipping meals like breakfast will put you into the temptation of eating foods high in fat and sugar when you feel hungry. This means that you will consume more calories than what is needed per day. So as an alternative, eat at steady intervals. Maintain a viable eating plan. This will keep you satisfied for long periods and help you overcome the temptation of eating those fried and fattening foods.
No scientific studies have shown that skipping the morning meal leads directly to weight gain.
Practice eating regularly and ensure that it is healthy and balanced. This will help you lose weight more quickly and efficiently than skipping meals.
Reduce Your Carbohydrates Intake To Lose Weight.
Cutting your carbohydrate intake is not a sustainable weight-loss strategy. The benefits of carbohydrates have earned a bad reputation in the world of health and nutrition and have been categorized as weight inducers. Good carbohydrates have wonderful husks, are rich in fiber, and take a long period to be digested. They will also make you feel full hence avoiding the temptation of overeating. They include whole-wheat bread, beans, legumes, Brown rice, and whole wheat pasta.
On the other hand, bad carbs are refined and processed products, contributing to weight gain. They include cakes, white bread, refined grains, and biscuits.
Carbohydrates are vital macronutrients that are necessary for life sustenance. Their role is to supply energy to the body and brain. All you need to do is know the difference between bad carbs and good carbs.
Fats Make You Fat
This is false. It is wrong because healthy fats will make your body function properly.
Fat is very calorie-intensive and is commonly found in junk foods. Fat produces around 9 calories per gram to your body, compared with only 4 calories per gram of protein or carbohydrates. For a bonus, if your diet is low in carbs but high in fat, you are most likely to lose weight easily. On the other hand, replacing carbs and fat with protein will help reduce the desire for food and hankerings and enhance your metabolic rate. It will also help regulate the function of some weight-regulating hormones.
As long as you take calories within a healthy and recommended range, fats will not make you fat. While fat adds to your accumulative calorie intake, it cannot cause weight gain on its own.
Fast Food Is Always Fattening and Unhealthy.
This is not true. Not all fast foods are unhealthy.
Many fast foods store offer healthy fast foods made with natural ingredients. However, some of these foods will not satisfy the demands of every health-conscious folk; they will instead provide a decent and healthy choice, more so if you don’t have the energy and time to cook a healthy meal.
Fast food does not have to be fattening or unhealthy. It’s possible to get something relatively healthy at most restaurants.
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The Bottom Line
Some people have believed in these myths about dieting as the ultimate solution to losing weight. To note, most of these myths are false. In fact, losing weight carries numerous benefits.
The relationship between your body, food, and weight is very intricate, and it should be very cordial.
However, if you desire to lose weight, consider learning and getting relevant information about a proven diet that can make you adjust your lifestyle and diet. Walk on the path carefully. Consult your doctor, health professionals, nutritionist, and gym instructor before subjecting your body to any rigorous dieting plan that will harm you.
In addition, get someone to talk to. Have a support group of people who will walk with you on this dusty path of healthy weight loss without your self-esteem being affected.